Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Dreams. (Short story)

There is a story. A story to be told. A story to unfold. A story that's aleady written, but not in words. A story that's quit hidden, though it needs to be heard. Maybe somebody got ears, maybe they don't. Maybe somebody knows how to use their eyes, maybe they won't. But it doesn't change the fact, that there is a story. A story that needs to be told. To be completed, to be unfold. To be concealed. Signed and closed. In order to leave it in a history book, so it can sit on a shelf, until some one else, needs a story to tell. You may think this story is about a boy or a girl. A dog or a family. You may think that it's about a star, or maybe love. Well.. It's not. This story is about something else, something totally different. What this story is about, is what creates all the other things a story could be about. This story is about a dream.
Maybe you think dreams only exist in our minds, in our hearts, or in our souls. Maybe you think a dream doesn't exist with out a little boy's mind, or a little girl's wish. Maybe you think dreams exist because of love, or a good job. It's not quite true. See, the dreams exist with out all the things that we think creates the dreams. Actually it's the dreams creating all the things we may think creates the dream. The dreams doesn't need to be thought of, nor to be thought out. It doesn't need to be concealed in a human's mind.
The dreams goes on forever. They live forever. They live far away and all the way inside. They live in the skies, on the stars, and under the soil on planet Earth. They live in every little boy's and girl's mind. They also live in graves, in hearts, in sorrow, in laughter. The dreams live every where, and all around. They walk from place to place. Through deep valleys, to the top of the mountains. Through deserts, on beaches, in beautiful gardens, and in the deep jungles. They travel through houses and streets. Even big mals. They travel with the stars at night, and with the sun at day. The search and search until one day somebody or something, hears them, sees them, and believes in them.
The dreams love to be thought of. When somebody takes them in and think about them, love them, and keep them in mind, the dreams are so happy. That's when they feel an strong urge to unfold them selves. They feel like breathing for the first time ever. Dancing, singing, and cheering all in order to make the ones who keeps them on mind happy.
They really just want to be heard and seen, and thought of. They feel like they got so much to show. They've been so many places on their long walks where they've been wandering around for years and years. Sometimes they even travel around for thousands of years, because so many people think they create the dreams. So unless the right dream arrives to their mind on the right time, they don't believe in the dream!
Now a day dreams are so lonely and unhappy. They still don't understand how times seem to make it harder and harder for people to understand that the dreams have their own existence. Somebody once told the dreams that in time, human beings would develop a greater understanding of the real aspects of things. Unfortunatly it seemed to go the complete opporsite direction. Sometimes the dreams get news from the angles about somebody who may be thinking of a dream looking and sounding just like they look and sound. They rush to the right location, and hope to be on time. Most of the time, when they finally arrive, even though it's not more than some few days later, the person already forgot about their idea of a dream. So the dream is often too late.
Most of the times dreams comes at night. Sometimes they arrive at daytime, but only if the person is in peace. Everybody feels at peace at different times, and in different situations. When the dreams come, they suddently wish for the person to accept them. Most of the time, the people don't even remember meeting the dream. They ask around and talk to different people who reminds them, that the most important thing in life is to only belive in what we can see and hear. Dreams can't bee seen. What is a dream suppose to do? Dreams can be felt. But when nobody want's to believe what they can feel, the dreams are the loosers. They must leave, and continue their lonesome search.
But one out of a million times, a dream arrives to a person who doesn't ask question. They suddently just feels it. They takes it in, as was it their very own. Those are the people who knows that they don't creates the dreams. That the dreams was sent to them. That the dream is a present, as valuable as life. At those memorable times, the dreams can unfold them selves. They tells stories about the angles on the stars. About the depth of the valleys. About the snow on the mountaintops. The rare flowers and trees in the deep jungles, and all the warmth from the sun. The story that the special person who believes in the dream likes the best, is the story the dream will tell. When the dreams tells the story, there are no limits. When it's heard and seen, it becomes real. Because as lonely as the dream can be, as real will it get, when it's just recognized. When somebody belives in a dream, they understand that dreams can only speak the truth. This is what all dreams truly wants. They got so many blessings to share. So much rare wealth, that only God's own angles are to compare. Inside of the person, the dream will build it's new home. Now it will travel with this person.
This is how we know love and wonders. This is why some people believe in angles and God's spirit. This is how we know true happiness and unbeatable strength. The greatest stories was always told about the few, who belived in dreams. The very few who knew that the dream came first, and then came the thought. That the dreams exists, and are meant for us to belive in.
Well... Like I said, very few ears will hear this. Very few pairs of eyes will see it. But one out of thousand times, the dream will win. One out of a thousand times, one little person opens their eyes and sees it. They understand that believing in a dream is a thousand times more worth than believing in what already exists. It takes a whole lot more strenght and courage to believe in what you can't see or hear. Sometimes it's what every one else say isn't true that really is the truth. Some people call these people crazy! Other times what they achieve by listening to the dream that lives inside of them, makes us call them stars, heros, genuises, or rare spirits.
They really aren't. What they do is something everybody can do. That's the beautiful thing about the dreams' existence. We don't create them, so we don't have to be highly creative. We are not in control of them, so we don't have to be worried about making mistakes. We don't have to figure them out, so we don't have to be highly intelligent. Unless listening, and hearing what's already there, has become so far away from our comon intelligence, that it takes a very rare and wise spirit to recognize them... Billions of souls are walking in this life at the same time. yet it's only one out of thousands who listen and sees - what's already there - the dreams!